Susan’s Caracole Furniture order from China

Our client saved more than 60% of the original price by having it made in China. We’ve been working with Susan on her Caracole furniture order from China for almost three months now and her order has finally reached it’s destination, here is how it looks in our client’s place.
Caracole Dresser MADE TO SHINE from China

Caracole furniture may seem simple, but in reality it has a lot of details, that is why the production took more time than it should have. But the result is pretty impressive, the quality was really good in comparison with the original, very heavy and all that for only a third of the price of the original.
Caracole Dining Table On a silver Platter from China

This dinning table is pretty impressive, it’s almost three meters long including the two leaves in the middle. Made in solid wood, top in moonlit sand with legs and aprons in soft silver leaf. Perfect for a family gathering and events. The table comes with eight magnificent comfortable dinning chairs essentially made in solid wood and leather.
Caracole Moment of Clarity Makeup table

This piece of furniture is more than just a furniture, it is a stylish blend of beauty and function, something that every female should have in her bedroom. Our customer got it for only 1,350$ from China.
Caracole bed BEDTIME BEAUTY from China

This bed’s design was changed following our customer’s request, the original bed’s headboard had was curved in the middle, but our client decided to do it without the curve and this is the result, it just looks amazing. We can’t wait for our client to get so will see the final result.
Caracole Night stand A CLASSIC BEAUTY from China

Last but not least, this beautiful night stand is truly a classic beauty, Again, the original design was slightly changed. but, this is piece of art will definitely stand out in our client’s bedroom.
More items that our client ordered

If you are also looking to buy furniture for your new home, feel free to contact our company and we will make your dream house come true.