Inexpensive premium quality Restoration Hardware furniture replica from China

Buying big furniture brands replica like Restoration Hardware or Versace, Fendi, Minotti etc.., is a great way to get premium quality furniture and save 60% or even 70% of your budget. Our client bought indoor, and out door furniture from China for his New York City mansion.
Evan contacted us in the early summer of 2022, inquiring about some furniture replicas, that he wants to make in China for his new home on the outskirt of New York. The process of working with Evan was pretty smooth as he already knew the furniture he wanted beforehand.
The first step was to narrow down the list of furniture factories in China that can make his furniture and compare their prices, once prices were confirmed and accepted by our customer it was time to confirm the sizes, materials, and colors.
Confirm sizes is pretty easy but choosing the material and colors is not an easy task. The hardest part of choosing the materials and colors is that the client usually can’t decide just by looking at pictures. Therefore, we sometimes have to ship samples through DHL or EMS to the customer so he can have a better look and finally choose the most suitable material and color.
Once everything was decided, the customer transferred us the first deposit, which was 50% in this case. Upon reception, we transfer deposits to the different factories and start production straight away.

Restoration Hardware Furniture
The furniture that our client has decided to recreate was inspired by the Restoration hardware collection, both indoor furniture and outdoor furniture.

Restoration Hardware dining table
Evan opted for the T-brace rectangular Extension dining table inspired by the Industrial age design of Julie Lawrence. The base is made of pure brass. We have decided to make the base in electroplated brass, meaning that it’s made of stainless steel covered in brass which was cheaper. The original cost $6,675, but he got it for a bit more than $1,500 from China. If it was in full brass, it would cost a little bit under $3,000.

The sideboard cabinet
Regarding the sideboard, it is also inspired by RH, Van Thiels collection. Made of solid oak and hand-cast metal hardware with corner brackets that accent each piece.
The problem that we have encountered making this piece of furniture is that we couldn’t find the hardware that goes with it anywhere as it is made of pure brass. that is why the factory had to order it custom-made from a different factory so it will fit this beautiful piece of furniture, it was all worth it as the client thought it. was AAA+++Grade.

The coffee table
In every order we have a favorite piece of furniture that we just love, for this order, it was this coffee table, it’s 60″ in diameter, 16″in Height, it’s simply gigantic for a coffee table, recreating it was an easy task for the factory as it is quite a simple design but such a nice piece of furniture to have at home.

The outdoor furniture
Always in the RH collection, our client chose cast aluminium as the main material for his outdoor space, all in black with outdoor cushions and pillows in white that gives it a bit of a retro look, specially, if you add the four meter wide umbrella that he also ordered from China.

Overall, furniture in China is much cheaper than furniture in Europe of the US, that is why our company gives you the opportunity to buy furniture from China, from the comfort of your home. For more information, do not hesitate to contact us through the contact form on our website or through email: Info@furnish-china.com or through Telephone number : +86 15626212049 (also Whatsapp number).